Around Syracuse Realty

Take a look around!

Over the last 20 years Gwenn has been building her brand and setting herself up to be to go-to realtor if you’re looking for a home around Syracuse. When she went out on her own in 2020, she outsourced her branding to one of the big dogs (we don’t kiss and tell here, so there’s no saying who) and found herself unable to utilize her logo in a lot of the situations she needed to. It wasn’t the right size or shape, she needed more options. Most importantly, she needed a BRAND, not just a logo.

Inspired by the city of Syracuse and the towns and villages that surround it, we got to work to develop a brand that reflected our bright, blooming, and diverse region. Iconic landmarks from around Syracuse including the Tipp Hill light (IKYKY), the Bville bridge, Onondaga Lake, and the Manlius Swan Pond were hand drawn to create our own little highlight reel skyline.

The Scope: Brand Design